Airline Services Interiors – Warehouse Lighting and Quality Control
Our products helped Airline Services Interiors achieve better and more energy efficient lighting for their warehouse and improve quality control in its inspection and storage areas. The company designs, manufactures and refurbishes seats, cabins and other components for aircraft.
Energy Saving Solution
In total, contractors Vardy Electrical installed 46 200W LED high bay luminaires from Collingwood to replace 57 400W HIPE fittings to give energy savings of 70%. The expected payback for the investment is just 14 months. Our design could have reduced this further by installing just 32 fittings, but the company opted for a greater illuminance instead.
This greater light level allowed Vardy Electrical to alter the switching arrangement so that, depending on the task, some areas could have half the lights on to save more energy.
Better Lighting for Quality Control
With part of the building used for the inspection of new and refurbished seating, the quality of light was also important.
Changing from the yellow light of HIPE to a cool white light with a correlated colour temperature of 4000K makes it easier to spot any imperfections and therefore improve quality control for the company.
Says James Vardy, managing director of Vardy Electrical: “Collingwood products have a superior lumen per watt output compared to other LED high bay products. This means that they can achieve the same illuminance levels from fewer fittings to save customers money from ongoing running costs and installation.
“In this case we opted for the same number of fittings as the original design but were able to alter the switching arrangement to provide savings and flexibility depending on how much light staff require for different tasks.
“We also had to complete the installation in just one week. The 200W Springbok Lite fitting from Collingwood is extremely quick and easy to install which enabled us to meet this tight deadline.”